Other Programmes

Other Programmes

Sales Force Engagement (SFE)

The Sales Force Engagement (SFE) Programme has been designed, developed and is presented by VeryCoolIdeas and Creative Crew. These two companies play a considerable role in the skills development landscape of South Africa, each with its unique focus on training, development and assessment.

The Sales Force Engagement programme is a must for:

  • Sales Representatives
  • Sales Managers
  • Sales Leaders
  • Key Account Managers

Boost your sales by completing the sales force engagement program.

The purpose of the SFE Programme is to increase awareness of current sales performance and provide an effective Sales Force Engagement Model to assist the development or improvement of commercial skills. The SFE Programme has been designed and developed to equip learners with the necessary knowledge, skills and field application to produce quality sales performance and to grow the financial value of the Company. The aim of the SFE Programme is to cultivate a sales culture within your organisation that has a clear sales process using definite activities that can be taught, coached and measured to ensure sustainable sales results.

Target Audience

  • Sales Representatives
  • Sales Assistants
  • Sales Managers

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the SFE Model
  • Establish the customer’s need
  • Offer products to customers
  • Overcome customer objections
  • Close the sale
  • Develop customer loyalty
  • Use cross-selling skills and prospect customers

Target Audience

  • Sales Managers
  • Senior Sales Representatives

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the SFE Model
  • Explain the effect of sales on the net profit of the business
  • Determine sales performance
  • Monitor sales performance
  • Coach sales activities and skills
  • Reward sales performance

Target Audience

  • Sales Directors
  • National Sales Managers
  • Senior Sales Managers

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the SFE Model
  • Explain the effect of sales on the net profit of the business
  • Propose strategies to improve sales performance
  • Monitor sales performance

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Training Committee Skills Training Workshop

The purpose of this workshop is to assist in increasing the awareness, in respect of, being part of a Skills Development and Employment Equity Committee, also known as the Training Committee. This includes understanding the relevant legislation, the documentation required to be in place, and planning and preparing for the meetings.  

This workshop will be useful to people who are involved in Skills Development and Employment Equity functions within an organisation. It will also assist with monitoring the implementation of the Workplace Skills Plan (WSP), Annual Training Report (ATR) and Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment audits (BEE).

The intention of the VeryCoolIdeas Training Committee workshop is:

  • To provide insight into the relevant pieces of legislation governing the promotion of skills development and employment equity
  • To provide a brief framework of the documentation required to be in place for the Training Committee
  • To release the potential of the members within the Training Committee.

Learners attending this workshop, ideally, should already have some experience in Skills Development and Employment Equity.

This workshop is run over one (1) full day, for a minimum of 12 or more learners.

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